Η ιστοσελίδα είναι υπό αναθεώρηση.

March 23, 2023

Λέξη κλειδί:

Artillery History

The participation of the Hellenic Artillery in all national military operations was effective and decisive.

According to History, the Ancient Greeks were the first who conceived the idea of using Artillery Fire in the battlefields of 4th century BC with


Saint Barbara

Saint Barbara was sanctioned as Artillery’s Patron Saint in 1829 and on the 4th of December of the same year, an official celebration took place in Nafplion (A town in Peloponnese which was Capital of Greece that time).




Artillery School

The mission of the school of artillery is:

– to train the new enlisted officers of artillery as career or reserve and warrant officers
–  to give postgraduate education to the career and reserve officers
–  to inform officers of



Field Artillery

During the military operations, Artillery’s mission consists of provision of prompt and continuous fire support to the maneuver forces, in order to destroy or neutralize targets, which threaten the execution of our own mission.

Air Defence Artillery

The …




The emblem was formally sanctioned in 1968.It is a composition of the missile and two howitzers crossed.

The two cannons symbolize the Field Artillery.

The missile symbolizes the Air Defense Artillery.…



Peace time training is the principle mission for infantry. Training is distinctive for cadres (career and reserve) and soldiers.

1. Training of cadres

Military Training:

Subordinate to the infantry directorate are the infantry school with HQ in Chalkis and the …



The Peacetime mission of the Infantry is to train the personnel, to maintain its equipment and to participate in higher echelons exercises thus maintaining combat effectiveness at a proper level; furthermore its mission includes the preparing and updating of the


Historical Notes

History of Infantry Directorate

The infantry was established as an Arm under the first Regulation for the Organisation of the Army, which was published during the Independence War.

When the reorganization of the Army and the liberated Greek state took …