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Review of Actions Conducted in June 2018 in the Field of Contribution to Society and Outreach

During June 2018, the Hellenic Army, in the context of its contribution to society and outreach, conducted the following actions:
– Visits of medical teams to remote villages, for inhabitants and students medical examinations, aiming to prevention.
– Tours of students to Military Museums and visits of schools to Military facilities.
– Participation of Army Bands to concerts and events.
– Voluntary clearing actions and distribution of flowers, on the occasion of the World Environment Day.
– Provision of Mobile Radiography Centre for Tuberculosis Examination, for the examination of members of the army, aiming to prevention.
– Provision of Engineer Machinery, for the reconstruction of afflicted areas and for landscape formation.
– Voluntary blood donations.
– Clearing of coasts and Driver Education Parks.
During the above actions, sentiments of love were demonstrated and positive comments were made towards our personnel, as recognition of our Army’s contribution to society in peacetime.
#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #Προσφέρουμε, #HellenicArmy, #WeOffer, #Εξωστρέφεια, #ΕίμαστεΠαντού, #WeAreEverywhere

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