On Wednesday 20 November 2024, in the presence of the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff General Dimitrios Choupis and the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, the signing of a joint letter of intent took place between the XXV Armour Brigade “2nd Cavalry Regiment – Efessos” and the French 7th Armour Brigade. The signing took place in the framework of the Distinguished Visitors Day (DV – Day) of the Field Exercise With Troops “OLYMPIC COOPERATION – 24”, in Petrochori-Xanthi.
The joint letter of intent signed by the Commanding General of the XXV Armour Brigade, Brigadier General Ilias Tsevdos and by the Commanding General of the French 7th Armour Brigade, Brigadier General Philippe Le Carf, will have a particular operational and training benefit for the Army, contributing to the development of a common military culture between the detachments of the two Countries and the upgrade of the image and the role of Greece for the European Union and the Alliance.
In particular, the common points of interest of the joint letter of intent, pertain to the material as well as the tactical level between the two Brigades. The said common points of interest aim to the enhancement of the capability to face the dangers threatening the two countries, through the development of joint procedures and the enhancement of the coordination capability.
The Ambassadress of France in Greece, Her Excellency Lawrence Auer, the Commanding General of D’ Army Corps “THRAKI” Lieutenant General Stavros Papastathopoulos, Officers and NCOs of the two Countries attended the ceremony.
#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy