Η ιστοσελίδα είναι υπό αναθεώρηση.

The Secret Conference of Vostizza

The Conference of Vostizza (modern day Aigio), was held in the house of Andreas Lontos, at the end of January 1821 (26-30 January) and lasted four days. Papaflessas, (armed, accompanied by bodyguards and his brother Nikitas) presented a letter of Ypsilantis to the potentates and clerics of the Peloponnese, wherein he was characterised as his alter ego, and presented them with the “general plan”, including attacks on Constantinople; he made an allusion to a Russian intervention and encouraged them to rise up against the Turks. Papaflessas informed them that a specific date had been set, the 25th of March, the day of the Virgin Mary’s Annunciation. It is a symbolic day for Orthodoxy, when Christians would be at church and out in the open, and would be able to organise and gain courage, without the Turks being any the wiser. The leaders of the Peloponnese were not convinced. To the contrary, his speech raised objections, arguments, and a host of questions on their part. The Bishop of Old Patras Germanos, raised a set of questions, albeit unanswered, such as: Whether the whole nation was ready for the Revolution? Whether there was enough money and munitions? Which foreign powers would aid the Greeks and how? What guarantees Russia had given Ypsilantis? Who were the military and political leaders of the Revolution? Finally, Sotiris Charalambis, one of the most powerful potentates asked Papaflessas who would assume power after the Turks were defeated? He answered: “You will replace them. You will rule Morias. Who else?” The result of the Conference of Vostizza was the postponement of the start of the Revolution and the notification thereof of all the potentates of the Peloponnese. Despite the Conference not achieving its goal, all participants became fully aware for the first time of the great effort they were undertaking.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

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