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Λέξη κλειδί:

Career NCOs Academy Winter Training

From 03 to 21 February 2025, the Career NCOs Academy conducted winter training – survival in Pertouli, Trikala, at the Unconventional Warfare Training Centre and at the Mountain Combat Skiers Training Centre.

Training included, among others, small echelon exercises,


Career NCOs Academy Change of Command Ceremony

On Thursday 20 February 2025, in the presence of the Commanding General of the Hellenic First Army/EU-OHQ “ACHILLES”, Lieutenant General Stavros Papastathopoulos, as representative of the Chief/Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, the Change of Command ceremony of


Signing the Agreement of London (1959)

The anticolonial struggle of the Greek Cypriots against British domination of the island culminated towards the end of the 1950s. In the framework of British disengagement, the main aim was the solution to the Cypriot problem, which undermined the western