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1st Scientific Conference of the Financial Corps of the Army

On Thursday 22 February 2018, the 1st Scientific Conference of the Army entitled “Financial Management in the Contemporary Fiscal Environment: Approaches – Challenges – Perspectives for the Army” was held at the amphitheatre of the Athens War Museum.
Highly skilled Officers from the Financial Corps, Scholars and executives from the private sector developed subjects, such as the defence expenditure, the audit procedures, the electronic procurement, the human resources management, as well as specific topics on financial management in the Army.
The Conference provided the opportunity to launch a permanent channel of communication between the Financial Corps and the Academic Community with mutually beneficial results through synergies, both at theoretical and practical level.
The Hellenic Army General Staff considers that the “Economic Maneuvering” at this point of time is particularly important and should be subject to ongoing processing and improvement.
The Conference was opened by the Hellenic Army Inspector General – Deputy Chief of HAGS, Lieutenant General Nikolaos Manouris.

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