Greece participated in the peacekeeping mission to Somalia in 1993, as part of the international community under UN leadership. The official name of the mission was “Hellenic Detachment in Somalia”, (ΕΛΛΑΣΟΜ). This operation was known as UNITAF (United Task Force) and later UNOSOM II (United Nations Operation in Somalia II) and aimed to restore peace and provide humanitarian aid to Somalia, which was going through a civil war and a humanitarian crisis. Greece’s participation began in February 1993, by providing support through healthcare, supplies and technical assistance. The Greek force initially consisted of 106 men, including officers, NCOs, soldiers, seamen, airmen, who undertook tasks such as food distribution, medical care, and constructing infrastructure. The presence of the Greek force in Somalia was crowned with success and earned many positive comments from the allied countries.
A special mention should be made of Sergeant (ARMOUR) Soumbouros Michail, the first Greek casualty on an international peacekeeping mission. Specifically, on 14 October 1993 he was killed during a column movement 40 km to the north of the city of Wajid, when the vehicle he was riding was ambushed. Greece’s participation in this mission, albeit under difficult circumstances, was one of the first large-scale peacekeeping missions in which our country participated, and reinforced its presence in the framework of international peacekeeping missions.
#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy