Η ιστοσελίδα είναι υπό αναθεώρηση.

Finance Directorate


The emblem is a cluster of a sword, pen (feather), criss-crossed with a bee in the middle, encircled by laurel leaves. The sword symbolises the exclusivity of the corps which is  to be served only by Officers, the pen symbolises the fiscal  – scientific mission of the Corps, as it is described in the establishing   RL 888/49 and the bee with the laurel leaves, the insignia of the Finance Corps.

“The Athenians have allies as numerous as our own, and allies that pay tribute, and war is a matter not so much of arms as of money, which makes arms of use…”

First, then, let us provide money….”


Peloponnesian War
Book A’, chapter 83

These are the words of the prudent and disciplined king of the Lacedaemonians, Archidamos, when, in the eve of the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, in the ecclesia of the Lacedaemonians, he tried to persuade the allies of the Spartans not to be hasty with their decision  about the beginning of the war against the Athenians, unless they firstly secure the wealth which will allow them the establishment of a competent army, which will successfully accomplish its mission.