Η ιστοσελίδα είναι υπό αναθεώρηση.

Commanding General, Higher Military Command of Interior and Islands

Lt. Gen. (GRC A) Emmanuel Theodorou

Lieutenant General Emmanouil Theodorou was born in 1967 in Komotini. He was admitted to the Hellenic Army Academy (Evelpidon) in 1984 and graduated in 1988 as Infantry Second Lieutenant.

As a Junior Officer, he served in Army Units as Platoon Leader and Company Commander, as well as a Platoon Leader in the Hellenic Army Academy.

He has attended all required Infantry Schools, as well as the NATO Terminology Course.

In 2004 he attended the Hellenic Supreme Joint War College in Thessaloniki and in 2013, he was selected to attend the Hellenic National Defence College.

As a Senior Officer, he served as Deputy Commander of a Mechanised Infantry Battalion and as Staff Officer in the 79th Higher National Guard Battalions Command, the 7th Mechanised Brigade, and the Hellenic Army General Staff.

In 2008, he was assigned as Commander of the 239th Mechanised Infantry Battalion, while in 2012 he served as Chief of Staff of the 79th Higher National Guard Battalions Command.

In 2014 he was appointed Commander of the Hellenic Force in Cyprus.

In 2018 he was promoted to Brigadier General and was assigned as Director of HAGS/A1 Directorate.

In 2019 he was appointed Commanding General of the 80th Higher National Guard Battalions Command.

In 2020 he was appointed Director of HNDGS/B2 Directorate.

In 2021 he was promoted to Major General and assumed the duties of Commanding General of the 95th Higher National Guard Battalions Command.

In 2022 he was appointed Deputy Commanding General of the Supreme Military Command of Interior and Islands.

In 2023 he assumed the duties of Director of HAGS/A’ Staff Directorate (Operations).