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Artillery History

The participation of the Hellenic Artillery in all national military operations was effective and decisive.

According to History, the Ancient Greeks were the first who conceived the idea of using Artillery Fire in the battlefields of 4th century BC with the catapults.

The first who actually used catapults in the way we use today the Field Artillery, was Alexander the Great.


Based on French military regulations, the first organized structure of Field Artillery Units was made by French Officers, the third decade of 19th Century (1820 – 1830).

During the Balkan wars, World War I and Minor East Expedition, Hellenic Artillery participated in all combats contributing significally, in the upshot of the war.


The same essential contribution was offered by the Hellenic Artillery, during World War II, providing the maneuver forces precise fire support.

From 1953 up to today, Artillery, following the great development of technology, became the master of the battlefield, providing continuous and precise fire support.

Eventually, it has become a constant and trustful companion of Infantry and Armor Units.