Η ιστοσελίδα είναι υπό αναθεώρηση.


Staff Military Training

In the Engineer School there are the following courses for military staff based on dates and number of staff which is every time different, depending on the possibilities of the Engineer School, the needs and the applications of the staff.


1.  Advanced Course  Captains MSE-NCO  Administrative
2.  Basic Course  Second lieutenant of M.A
3.  Warrant Officer Course  Warrant Officer-Sergeant First Class  Male Administrative
4.  Υπξκών ΣΜΥ  Μον. Λχίες  ΣΜΥ  Διοικητικοί-Τεχνικοί

Warrant Officer Course

Warrant officers Female

Non-Commissioned Officers NCO

Permanent Sergeants-NCO Administrative-Technicians

Non-Commissioned Officers (Extended Service Volunteer)

Staff sergeant (Extended Service Volunteer) – Sergeant Female

Non-Commissioned Officers (Extended Service Volunteer)

Sergeant (extended service volunteer) Male

Operators Course of pyrotechnic Means of breaching minefields

Junior Officers-Administrative Non commissioned officers Male

Atomic Demolition Munitions Course

Junior-Senior Officers Male

Non-war missions

Junior warrant officers-permanent non- commissioned officers Male


All the above courses (except the 9,10,11) are obligatory for the Staff based on the rank and usually are the prerequisites for their promotion into the next rank.

The second Lieutenants graduated from the Military Academy after the Engineer School they are trained to the Engineer Training Center for a period of two weeks (2) , in the engine driving and they are supplied with the army driving license. In the Engineer Training Center the female staff can also be trained in driving after their graduation from the Engineer School.

In the Engineer Officers Technical School the officers are trained for a period of two years from the rank of First Lieutenant to Major (up to the age of 34 gears), after they have passed in the admission exams. The exams are based on the criteria as defined in the standing order of St.O 3-17/1993/HAGS/ DIRECTORATE OF TRAINING and in the relative School Organisation.
The Engineer Officers can attend the School of Command and Staff Officers, so that they are nominated staff officers, and later after they pass the admission exams, can attend the Joint War College. The graduation from the Joint War College is an essential qualification with the standing law of promotions, for the development to higher ranks. In the admission exams can participate officers after the complition of 14-21 years as officers.

The study in the National Defense College takes place after the choice of the candidates of the engineer officers from the Higher Army Council as the rest officers of army corps. The qualifications of each candidate officer for the National Defense College are described in the Standing Order St.O 3-12/1997/ HAGS/ DIRECTORATE OF TRAINING.

Except from the above schools, the Engineer staff officers are also trained in some schools of Coast guard. The time and number of staff is determined after cooperation with the Ministry of Commercial Marine (Education division) and the Scuba Diver of Underwater Demolition Unit of the Hellenic Navy General Staff. Details about these schools are included in the annual education program of staff in schools and Training Centers inland and the corresponding school branch, authority of the Engineer Directorate of the Hellenic Army General Staff.


Academic Engineer Staff Training

The graduate officers of the Technical Officers School can join the course of Civil Engineer at the National Technical School of Athens at the 7th semester while they have firstly granted educational leave for a period of two years (2), passed successfully the admissions exams. Details for admission exams and the candidates qualifications are given in the Standing Order St.O 3-39/1999/ HAGS/


Direcotrate of trainning.

Graduate Engineer Officers from Technical Officers School can also study in other polytechnic schools of the country with individual initiative and cost, according to regulations issuing to each university.

Engineer officers participate in the procedure of attending Universities in Greece and outside Greece for the acquisition of Postgraduate Diploma from schools which are described in the Standing Order with number 3-39/1999/GES/Educ.Division.

Training of Reserve Officers Candidates takes place in the Engineer School (ROC-SAPPERS), Ordnance Training Center (ROC Quartermaster), Signals Training Center (ROC-Signalman) and has a duration of 16 weeks. From every even ESSO 3-4 Engineer Reserve Officers candidates are trained in the devices for 8 weeks in the Engineer School.

Training of Reserve Officers Candidates

It takes place in the Engineer School (PRO    SAPPERS), Ordnance Training Center (PRO Quartermaster), Signals Training Center (PRO – Signalman) and its duration is 16 weeks. From every even ESSO 3-4 Engineer Reserve Officers candidates are trained in the machinery for 8 weeks in the Engineer School.

Training of Enlisted Draftees (ENGR)

(1) It is carried on (3) training cycles.

 A’ training cycle

It has duration of (6) weeks and it takes place in Engineer training Center. It includes one (1) week enlistment, four (4) weeks training and one week to the Special training Centers.

B’ training cycle

It carries on in the Special Training centers and in the field units. It has duration of twenty-six (26) weeks. It includes training for specialization, ranking of candidates, (YB) and units training.

C’ training cycle

It carries on in the field units either inland and it comprises the period from the end of the B’ Educational cycle up to the discharge of the enlisted men.

(2)    The main specialty of the Engineer Enlisted and the place of training are either:

a.  Sapper – Car drivers – D rafted Engineer Candidates- infantry sappers, in the Engineer Training Center.

b. Operators for all the earth moving equipment, sappers training in the floating, engineer boat operator, pyrotechnic operators breaching minefields, in the Engineer School.

c.  Generator set Operators, in the 745 Engineer Base

d.  Minesweepers, in the Minefield Clearance Battalion.


Training of  Profesional Soldiers

The Profesional Soldiers follow  basically the training of  Enlisted Draftees.

Training of Engineer Reserves

It carries on in the Engineer School, Engineer Training Center, Units and Formations based on Orders issued by the Directorate of Mobilization and includes the following training categories.

a. Post – training for a period of 4 to 10 days, in units.

b. Educational visits (1) day, in units.

c. Participation to National joint exercises – Formation exercises.

d. Training of reserve officers in the Engineer School for two (2) weeks.

e. Training of three (3) days in mobilization matters of discharging Officers – enlisted men.