Η ιστοσελίδα είναι υπό αναθεώρηση.


Peace time training is the principle mission for infantry. Training is distinctive for cadres (career and reserve) and soldiers.

1. Training of cadres

Military Training:

Subordinate to the infantry directorate are the infantry school with HQ in Chalkis and the infantry reserve officers school with the HQ in Heraclion, Crete.

In-Country Schools:

(a) Infantry school provides instruction for all male and female infantry cadres, graduates of the officers and career NCO’s schools, reenlisted and volunteers, on topics of military skills, depending on their assigned tasks, their ranks, and in accordance with the modern operational environment.

(b) Subordinate reserve officers school provides training to candidate reserve officers. Training includes necessary topics for efficient platoon leaders both in peace and war time.

2. Out-Country Schools:

A number of infantry cadres following selection receive training of infantry and in other schools and university.

Academic Training:

Cadres are given the opportunity, with permission of the Hellenic Army to sit for university entry examinations both at home and abroad to obtain a post-graduate decree. Those accepted could be given either a two-year leave to attend or they attend in parallel with their normal duties, depending on the university syllabus.

3. Soldiers Training:

Soldiers assigned to infantry, join the newly recruited training centers where they undergo basic military training, before they are transferred to cycle B combat units.